Jeu de données: Integrated Census Microdata (I-CeM) - Scotland, 1871


The Integrated Census Microdata (I-CeM) project has produced a standardised, integrated dataset of most of the censuses of Great Britain for the period 1851 to 1911: England and Wales for 1851-1861, 1881-1911; Scotland for 1851-1901, making available to academic researchers the detailed information on parish-level about everyone resident in this country collected at each decennial census from 1851 to 1911 during a period of profound social change.

The original digital data has been coded and standardised. In addition, the original text and numerical strings have always been preserved in separate variables, so that researchers can go back to the original transcription.

Further information can be found on the project webpage at:


Integrated Census Microdata (I-CeM) - Scotland, 1871



Numéro d'identification



Nom Affiliation
Schurer, K. University of Essex. UK Data Archive
Higgs, E. University of Essex. Department of History

Droits d'auteur

Copyright K. Schürer, E.J. Higgs and BrightSolid


Nom Abréviation: Rôle Soumission
Economic and Social Research Council

Distributeur des données

Nom Affiliation Abréviation:
History Data Service University of Essex. UK Data Archive


Nom Affiliation Abréviation:
Higgs, E. University of Essex. Department of History
Schurer, K. University of Essex. UK Data Archive

Date de distribution



Grant number: RES-062-23-1629

Liste des mot-clés

Classification des sujets

Période de temps couverte

Début Fin Cycle
1851 1911

Date de collection

Début Fin Cycle
2009 2014


Channel Islands; Great Britain; Isle of Man

Unité géographique

Administrative counties and parishes, registration counties.

Unité d'analyse

Individuals; Families/households


Type de données

Textual data; Numeric data; Alpha/numeric data

Méthode temporelle

Cross-sectional (one-time) study

Procédure d'échantillonnage

No sampling (total universe)

Déviations majeures de la définition d'échantillonnage

1851: 20610325, 1861: 22837316, 1871: 3349656, 1881: 29865602, 1891: 33522822, 1901: 36931736, 1911: 36353455

Mode de collecte des données

Transcription of existing materials; Compilation or synthesis of existing material

Sources des données

Digital transcriptions of the original data, provided by FindMyPast


No weighting used.


These data provide online access to a subset of standadised key census data, produced via the ESRC funded I-CeM project, covering most of the censuses of Great Britain for the period from 1851 to 1911: England and Wales for 1851-1861, 1881-1911; Scotland for 1851-1901. These selected data within Nesstar enable access to census data which can be used in an exploratory tabulation and visualization context in conjunction with the UK Data Service I-CeM data dissemination system, which is a bespoke online system for more detailed browsing, filtering and downloading of the individual historical census records (microdata) for England, Wales and Scotland and can be accessed from here.



History Data Service, UK Data Archive


Get in touch;


Data is available online at

Matériel relié

User Guide

Études reliées

Details of reltated studies and publications

Note d'autre références

Study Description: English; Study Documentation: English

Description des fichiers de données

Nom du fichier


Nombre total de cas


Nombre total de variables


Type de fichier

Nesstar 200801


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